Yii Application Requirement Checker


This script checks if your server configuration meets the requirements for running Yii application. It checks if the server is running the right version of PHP, if appropriate PHP extensions have been loaded, and if php.ini file settings are correct.

There are two kinds of requirements being checked. Mandatory requirements are those that have to be met to allow Yii to work as expected. There are also some optional requirements being checked which will show you a warning when they do not meet. You can use Yii framework without them but some specific functionality may be not available in this case.


Congratulations! Your server configuration satisfies all requirements.


NameResultRequired ByMemo
PHP version Passed Yii Framework PHP 5.4.0 or higher is required.
Reflection extension Passed Yii Framework
PCRE extension Passed Yii Framework
SPL extension Passed Yii Framework
Ctype extension Passed Yii Framework
MBString extension Passed Multibyte string processing Required for multibyte encoding string processing.
OpenSSL extension Passed Security Component Required by encrypt and decrypt methods.
Intl extension Passed Internationalization support PHP Intl extension 1.0.2 or higher is required when you want to use advanced parameters formatting in Yii::t(), non-latin languages with Inflector::slug(), IDN-feature of EmailValidator or UrlValidator or the yii\i18n\Formatter class.
ICU version Passed Internationalization support ICU 49.0 or higher is required when you want to use # placeholder in plural rules (for example, plural in Formatter::asRelativeTime()) in the yii\i18n\Formatter class. Your current ICU version is 60.3.
ICU Data version Passed Internationalization support ICU Data 49.1 or higher is required when you want to use # placeholder in plural rules (for example, plural in Formatter::asRelativeTime()) in the yii\i18n\Formatter class. Your current ICU Data version is 60.3.
Fileinfo extension Passed File Information Required for files upload to detect correct file mime-types.
DOM extension Passed Document Object Model Required for REST API to send XML responses via yii\web\XmlResponseFormatter.
IPv6 support Passed IPv6 expansion in IpValidator When IpValidator::expandIPv6 property is set to true, PHP must support IPv6 protocol stack. Currently PHP constant AF_INET6 is not defined and IPv6 is probably unsupported.